Occupational Therapy focuses on a person’s “occupation” - as an OT, we treat people across the lifespan from 0-100.

Your occupation is anything that you do to take care of yourself and your family - this includes ADL’s (Activities of daily living - dressing, bathing, feeding, grooming, etc) and IADL’s (cooking, grocery shopping, managing your home/bills, work, driving, etc). We look at the whole person; mental, physical, social, etc.

We take a functional and holistic look at those activities and determine what exactly the underlying cause is that is keeping you from performing those activities, and help you develop or regain those skills through therapeutic and meaningful approaches

We are focused on your goals and what is meaningful to you

What does a pediatric OT target?


Feeding, oral motor difficulties, sleeping, nervous system regulation, physical impairments, postural and body asymmetries, positioning, tummy time, head control, head shape, parent education


Feeding, nervous system regulation, fine motor skills, physical/neurological impairments, postural and body asymmetries, developmental delays, tummy time difficulties, vision difficulties, sensory processing, co-regluation, parent education


Feeding, fine/visual motor skills needed for play and participation in academics, self independence skills, visual processing difficulties, sensory processing difficulties, retained primitive reflexes, purposeful play, postural difficulties, developmental delays, ADHD, social participation, emotional regulation, parent education